Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Movin' On Up....Movin' On the Deluxe Apartment in the Sky!

By JC De La Torre

Please excuse our dust and lack of activity the next few days on the blog as we are transitioning into a strategic partnership with MVN - the Most Valuable Network. We'll be moving to a new URL - with fancy smancy new layout and we'll also be participating in many MVN activities.

If you're not familiar with MVN - here's what their media kit describes it as -
The Most Valuable Network was created by accident on December 31, 2003 when friends began blogging together about their favorite baseball teams. Years later, it is no accident what MVN has become: A large sports media entity that strives to bring the most informed opinion and analysis to a community of passionate fans.

While we'll definitely miss our little home here at blogger, we're definitely excited about the opportunity and exposure that MVN provides.

For the next couple of days you may see some weird things on the blog like the formatting all screwed up or no recent posts. Once we're live on we'll post here again to let you know to update your weblinks. In fact, if you have us linked on your site, you may want to go ahead and make the change.

We likely won't have any new content on this site or the new site until the weekend - we sincerely apologize for that but we'll be sure to make it up.

If you'd be interested in joining JC De La Torre's Tampa Bay Sports Blog as a writer, feel free to drop me a line - you can reach me via the contact me feature on my website at

There is no pay (sorry, we're not getting paid for this either) but if you want to blog about Tampa Bay sports and have your stuff read on a site that gets up to 800,000 page views it may be worth it. We're looking obviously for bloggers with a good writing style, humorous, with a love for Tampa Bay and Florida College sports.

Let us know if you're interested in teaming up.

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